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single channel video and sound installation
video projection on sail of boat, stereo sound 1994 - 1998

Gillies displaces the linearity and telelogical impulse of colonial and industrial history. The past and the present are squeezed together; sounds of old and new trains are mixed, short-wave radio signals generate another space and another landscape. He fuses these sounds and images together as part of an ‘infernal machine', a hegemony that is rapidly spinning into crisis and obsolescence.

Linda Carolli, 'Tall ships / Tall tales, Armada: a video work by John Gillies', 1998

first installed: Griffith University Art Museum, Australia & Museu Arte da Moderno da Bahia, Brazil

curated by: Marguerite Bonnin (Brisbane, Australia), Rosana Almeida Oliveira (Bahia, Brazil)

Tall ships / Tall tales, Armada: a video work by John Gillies by Linda Carroli
Orchestrating Armada: an interview with John Gillies by Nicholas Zurbrugg
Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
Griffith University Art Collection, Brisbane
Exit: Art and Cinema at the End of the Century, Chisenhale Gallery, London 1999 - 2000 (video only)
John Gillies: Armada, FIM!, Museu Arte da Moderno da Bahia, Brazil 1998 (installation on the sea)
Image Cannibals,  Substation, Singapore 1994 (video only)
John Gillies, Griffith University Art Gallery, Brisbane 1994 (installation)
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